Role Play – Alice Scenario A

About Alice

  • Alice is a business woman who lives with her husband and 2 teenage sons.
  • Alice had a brain injury following a road traffic accident that resulted in a moderate right sided weakness. She seems to lack insight at times and be unrealistic; but she is very driven and has always pushed herself.
  • Alice spent 3 months in the hospital and can now walk short distances with a stick (about 10m) and is independent with basic self-care. She can perform gross motor tasks with her right arm (e.g. putting her jacket on) but is unable to use it for activities requiring more complex motor control (e.g. writing). Alice had problems with concentration and memory.
  • Alice wants to get back to work; she wants to take the train as usual and is not interested in thinking about other options e.g. taxis. Alice’s husband feels overwhelmed and is at a loss about how to best help his wife.
  • Alice has been referred to the community rehabilitation team to focus on maximizing independence and to consider return to work. Pam from the community rehabilitation team is working through the G-AP process with her.

Stage 1: Coming Up With The Goal

Alice 1A (4.08 mins)

  • Did Pam listen to what Alice had to say?
  • Did Pam understand Alice’s perspective of where she was at/ where she wanted to get to?
  • Did Pam and Alice agree a goal to work towards?
  • Was Alice motivated to pursue her goal?
  • What went well in this session?
  • Was there anything that didn’t go so well?
  • What could have been done differently?
  • Any other thoughts

Stage 2: Planning

Alice 2A (4.53 mins)

  • Did Pam support Alice through the key activities in this stage (action planning; coping planning & measuring confidence)?
  • Was the action plan agreed and written in Alice’s own words?
  • Do you think Alice will follow through with the plan?
  • What went well in this session?
  • Was there anything that didn’t go so well/ could have been done differently?
  • Any other thoughts

Stage 4: Appraisal, Feedback And Decision Making Stage

Alice 3A (5:57 mins)

  • Did Pam listen to Alice’s appraisal of how she felt she got on?
  • Did Pam support Alice to manage her disappointment?
  • Did Alice understand her limitations better after appraising her performance?
  • Did Alice and Pam make a decision about what should happen next?
  • What went well in this session?
  • Was there anything that didn’t go so well/ could have been done differently?
  • Any other thoughts

Stage 4: Appraisal, Feedback And Decision Making Stage (#2)

Alice 4A (7:15 mins)

  • How is Alice feeling in this session?
  • What strategies did Pam use to try and support Alice?
  • Did this feel like a difficult conversation? Why?
  • How is Pam feeling in this session?
  • Did Pam support Alice to consider adjusting her goal?
  • Was the G-AP paperwork a help or a hindrance in this session?
  • What strategies did Pam use to boost Alice’s confidence?
  • Do you think Alice is beginning to understand and accept some of her limitations?