Goal Negotiation


This stage focuses on really understanding from the person’s perspective how things are going at the moment and what their hopes and aspirations are for the future.

It’s important to ask about what’s going well as well as what’s not going so well.


The staff member has a structured conversation with the person and takes time to listen to what they have to say.

It’s important to set aside enough time for this conversation as it creates a foundation to build from.

It is useful to consider the language you use – make sure you use words the person is familiar with and understands.

People with cognitive or communication difficulties may need additional support get involved in the conversation in a way that suits them. Please refer to the section – Rights, Barriers and Ramps.


By understanding the person’s perspective, the G-AP process can move forward in person centred way, ensuring that goals set reflect the person’s needs, preferences and priorities.

Outcome of this stage

The staff member will understand the person’s perspective about where they are at right now and where they would like to get to.

This information can be written down using the person’s own words in the “Coming up with the goals” page of the G-AP record.

Documentation in G-AP record

Example of a completed “Coming up with the goals” page

1. How are things going at the moment?

I’m feeling really tired
My right leg is heavy when I walk
I keep crying about everything and nothing
My husband is really supportive; where would I be without him?
I managed to get up and down stars without help yesterday
… that felt really good ☺

This is where I’m at just now…

This is where I’d like to get to

2. What would you like to work towards?

I want to feel more like myself … not crying every day!
I need to get outside on the fresh air more
I want to be able to walk much further without feeling the life draining out of my leg
I love a shower every morning – it sets me up for the day
I love my dog; I want to be able to take him out a walk with my husband