When someone has a cognitive or communication difficulty, it can be challenging to find out their views and to support their involvement in the G-AP process.

By law, every human being has the right to freedom of expression and self-determination¹. The Word Health Organisation states that access to rehabilitation is a human right². This means that rehabilitation must be accessible to all who require it, including those with communication and /or cognitive difficulties.

Just as it is law to ensure public buildings are made accessible for everyone regardless of disability (e.g. ramps, elevators, signs with braille), we have a duty of care to find out the views of people with cognitive and communication difficulties and support their involvement in the G-AP process.

Rehabilitation staff can achieve this by being aware of communication and cognitive BARRIERS and using strategies and resources that will provide a RAMP to support access to and involvement in the G-AP process.

Useful References


1. United Nations Universal declaration of Human Rights. Access here: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights#:~:text=Article%2019,media%20and%20regardless%20of%20frontiers.


World Health Organisation Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative; Access here: https://www.who.int/initiatives/rehabilitation-2030